Since my mom went to Bali with Nida & Mimim, I was assigned to take care of the house, then. At the beginning, I was a bit reluctant to do so, because I thought that taking care of the cats, a paralyzed auntie, and cooking (sometimes) would be very much bothering. However, after 2 days doing it, it was not that bad as I earlier thought, hehe! Unexpectedly, I kind of enjoyed doing it, so far. Yes, Pichi my little brother is with me but unfortunately he has not been a helping hand. Yeah, normal boys' behavior, I guess. They just do the thing when they are forced to. In this case, I really have to be a fierce big sister to him. Therefore, I used the scolding method. lol! That would do fairly enough to a boy who only gives a damn to playing GTA and conquering the TV alone, all day long.
Plus, the thing that made me 'going on' & enjoying life at the moment is - the birth of Momi's kitten, of course! The kitten kind of, shone me 'the light' to my darkest nightmare, hehe! :p Thanks Snowy Kitty, I love ya!
So! Wish I could hold on longer until Wednesday!
Good girl to myself, haha.. :D
alaaaaaaaaaa. i nk kitten tu