Sunday, November 8, 2009

Delete or Not To Delete?


I think I kind of hate Facebook. But I can't resist myself from checking into there more & more often every time - whenever I have the chance. Such a contradictory yes-and-no in between. Believe it or not, I've given it a thought over deleting my account, several times. Hmm... but, those comments my friends have had written over my wall and my pictures are deeply appreciated that I don't want to lose them! It's a sign, at least, they knew I'm existed. And there are funny comments that made me bursting out my laugh each time I went through reading it.

Admittedly, Facebook has given me many opportunities to meet up new friends as well! Not to be left out, those old school ex-classmates on which surely had me dropped out my jaw seeing at their changes over time - through photo-viewing, of course. It's the time to collect all those memories back from some lane to be remembered for some pictures. How memorable! And, new friends... Ahaha, I'm pretty tickled at how this social website could bring out the daring me, somehow. Not in a bad way, eh. Meeting a guy out of it? I couldn't even imagine that! Bahaha...

Off now!

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