Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Note


*Sigh, sigh, sigh and more sighs!
I couldn't find a clue why still this brain wanted some kind of connection with her? Am I going mad? Hearken!

Don't wish to be eaten by such a dreary thought. It is scary. Fear me, yes. Still if she's not a ghost, why would she haunt my self-being? Do I want to befriend with her? I think, er, yes I do want it! Honestly, she's simply amazing. Why? Creativity is there. But at once, I should stop looking out for her. She's got a life, dude. She didn't bother you and yeah, why should I be bothered then, eh?

Anyways! Tomorrow (May 27th) is the convocation that I should supposedly be joining but well, but.. well, but.. well, I couldn't so I suppose I just have to attend my boyfriend's and taking Syida's advice into account to 'buat hati kering' will be surely done.

God, help me.


  1. Maafkan saya kerana komen saya ini tiada kaitan dengan tajuk entri anda..

    Saya hanya ingin tahu sahaja.. Adakah awak ini merupakan blogger dari Pontian??

    Ini adalah blog saya BLOG A-Y-I-E

  2. Jawapan kepada soalan itu adalah 'Ya'. Terima kasih singgah-singgah dekat sini.
