Thursday, May 21, 2009

God Initiates The Love

Hi Diary Love..
Absolutely i really think love is acting so simple towards me. Without much hassles, love is really like in the air. Love resembles the oxygen and carbon dioxide i think. I breathe it in and out of my lung and heart and be delivered throughout my body. Not too additionally to say, i'm in love and i'll be in love again and again. As long as i can breathe. Grateful is what i am now.

But, if love is being so simple as the oxygen and carbon dioxide, well then too, it sometimes is mixed with other particles. We are not just breathing the oxygen and carbon dioxide i think. It's impossible that only that's being in and out.

Sigh. This babbling talk is actually taken none of my understanding. Huhu. Love is hard for certain, easy for some, but when it's too easy too, it becomes as hard as rocks. Love rocks? Nay. To me, rock rocks! Heheh. *If u understand what I mean*

But... what is 'love' actually without a starter starts it? I believe, all these feelings of love must have a 'manager' who brings it all out to us. And that's from Him. He's who's The One. By His gigantic love, all these are existed and we get to love and be loved. Without Him, would anything have its meanings at all? Nay. It just doesn't make sense, doesn't it?

He's the reason why we all are here. Although, i myself can't see Him anywhere, but my heart feels His existance very well. This could be as similar as to the existance of the wind. Human can't see it but it can be felt. But, the wind is nothing to be compared with Him, really.

I'm sure anybody would feel how majestic and how big the function of love is to mankind. Wooof! I myself admit it! But it has got something bigger than the love itself. I believe in that.

I'm sorry I can't really come to term of people without any beliefs and faith. It just doesn't make sense. We live on this Earth with a solid basis. No matter whatever your faith is, God is there for all of us. There must be One who made and will make all these started. No matter which is that One u believe in. That's the base. That's it. We've got to hold on to something on the earliest stage, at the end of it and also in between that. I mean, LOVE. It's from Him.

It does not need any physical attach to believe of His existance. We just 'can' feel it. Truly, i started realizing of His existance when I was somewhere at 9-11 years old of age. I attended a religious school back then. And my teacher simply offered to us all, who wanted to take off early from school, had to answer her question quickly by putting our hands up. Her question is, "What are the signs that u believe Allah is existed?" and me - whose intention just wanting to go back early, took out my hand on the air (to be the first one, without a prepared answer) and directly looked out of the window beside me and saw a big tree, a river and some pupils outside. So i went "With the existance of the world with all its features and living things, days and nights, sea's rise and fall, firmament, sky with its clouds and stars, planets other than the Earth and love therefore Allah is existed". My teacher and the others were amazed and I grabbed my already-packed bag and just dissappeared happily.

But really, on the moment I looked out of the window, something has fulfilled myself towards realizing that He's existed. The answer I got was simply from the nature.

And love is definitely from Him who delivers it to all human inconsiderately by any lines of religions, races, cultures at all. Whoever 'Him' that u believe in, love is existed with the existance of God, being delivered through religion/s, reached at us making us civilized throughout anything.

So, what is love without beliefs and faith? I don't get it at all.

Till now Diary.
Allah is The Almighty.

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